By Josh Hosen
July 26, 2024
Capital Testing is pleased to announce the launch of our new accredited certification program for waste, rubbish, and laundry containers manufactured from low peak rate of heat release materials. The use of low-heat-release materials in waste bins and laundry containers is specified in several safety standards and fire codes, including the International Fire Code (IFC), NFPA Fire Code (NFPA 1), NFPA Life Safety Code (NFPA 101), NFPA Standard for Fixed Guideway and Transit Systems (NFPA 130), and even state-specific codes like the North Carolina Fire Protection Code (2018 NCFC Section 304.4). In general, these codes and standards require such products to be made of entirely noncombustible materials, or of materials that meet a peak rate of heat release not exceeding 300 kW/m 2 when tested in accordance with the ASTM E1354 cone calorimeter test at an incident heat flux of 50 kW/ 2 in the horizontal orientation. Since many of these products are made of combustible plastic, manufacturers typically need to comply with these peak rate of heat release requirements. Recent revisions to the IFC highlight the growing concerns about the impact these products can have on fire safety. In the 2024 IFC, Section 304 Combustible Waste Materials was revised to extend the above low-heat-release requirement to the following products and applications: -high-capacity (>40 gallon) waste bins; -dumpsters; -waste and linen containers used in health care facilities; and -waste containers used in dormitories and colleges The newly-created Appendix O in the 2024 IFC also includes a non-mandatory reference to this requirement for waste bins used for valet trash and recycling collection services in apartment complexes and other multifamily housing units. Enlisting Capital Testing to certify your products provides third-party attestation that it complies with these requirements, and helps differentiate your products from the competition. Certification also simplifies the verification process when a code official, fire marshal, or specifier requests proof of compliance. For more information about the certification process or to discuss your product-specific questions, contact Josh Hosen at . Capital Testing’s newly-expanded ISO/IEC 17065 (certification programs) and ISO/IEC 17020 (inspection programs) scopes of accreditation can be found here: Certification Programs: Inspection Programs: To learn more about the ASTM E1354 test method, visit our cone calorimeter webpage or contact for a quote.